dimanche 8 décembre 2013

Biking the Mama Rumi Trail, Ecuador

Picture of a biker on the Mama Rumi Trail, Ecuador

Biking the Mama Rumi Trail, Ecuador

Photograph by Dan Barham
“Decades of foot traffic have worn a path deep into the hillside in some areas that is part foliage tunnel, part natural half pipe," says adventure photographerDan Barham of the Mama Rumi Trail in Ecuador. "It makes for a lot of fun on a bike."
Jorge Perez, owner of the Ecuadorian tour company Tierra del Volcan, originally ignited Barham’s interest, and the photographer headed down the mountain with local rider Fercho Gaibor (pictured). “Jorge spoke of a trail that was originally an alcohol bootlegging route that had been rediscovered and cleared by the local trail builders,” recalls Barham.

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